Scitools understand tutorial
Scitools understand tutorial

Since the commencement of the company ( Scientific Tools Inc.) in 1996 UnderstandTM has been used by more than 200 companies world wide to understand their codes and development further on them. Understand as a tool has also a well developed command line interface which allows this tool to be integrated with any of the existing tool chain that the software companies normally use. This tool has been used since long in leading automotive, aerospace, defence and loads of other critical industries for understanding large legacy codes and take up Static Code Analysis on them. Understand is a tool from “Scientific Tools Inc.” and based out of St. Understand is a Static Code Analysis tool aiming to achieve a complete code navigation, control flow graph generation, Metrics generation, code comparison, checking on the adherence of a code to some specific coding standards like MISRA and code reengineering for an array of programming languages like C, C++, Java, Jovial, Pascal, ADA.

Scitools understand tutorial